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con nosotros tus sueños no tienen límites

Cúcuta, Norte de Santander

Técnico Ingles A1, A2, B1, B2

Estudia y cumple tu sueño estudiando una carrera técnica laboral en la Corporación Educativa Sinfronteras.

Técnico Ingles A1, A2, B1, B2

Realiza tu pago

¿Qué es?

La enseñanza del idioma ofrece a los ciudadanos la posibilidad de adquirir, de acuerdo con sus necesidades y a lo largo de la vida, diversos niveles de competencia en diversas lenguas, de lo que depende la igualdad de oportunidades para el desarrollo personal, la educación, el empleo, la movilidad, el acceso a la información y el enriquecimiento y la comunicación interculturales.

Con el propósito de contribuir a tener ciudadanos y ciudadanas capaces de comunicarse en inglés, con estándares internacionalmente comparables, La Corporación Educativa para el Trabajo y Desarrollo Humano “SIN FRONTERAS” S.A.S” , tiene el compromiso fundamental de crear las condiciones para que los usuarios del servicio educativo desarrollen competencias comunicativas en otra lengua. Ser competente en otra lengua es esencial en el mundo globalizado, el cual exige poderse comunicar mejor, abrir fronteras, comprender otros contextos, apropiar saberes, entender y hacerse entender, enriquecerse y jugar un papel decisivo en el desarrollo del país.


El egresado del programa de inglés, estará en la capacidad de aplicar las cuatro habilidades comunicativas: escucha, lectura, escritura y conversación, a través de un aprendizaje basado en experiencias significativas, logrando una apropiación del idioma inglés acorde al nivel aprobado, que le permitirá desenvolverse en lo cotidiano y laboral.

DURACIÓN : 12 meses


  • Técnico en Ingles A1, A2, B1, B2 .
  • Carrera técnica en Ingles A1, A2, B1, B2 . (14 años en adelante)

Programa Para Niños

  • YOUNG KIDS (9 a 13 años de edad)
  • INGLÉS KIDS (5 a 8 años de edad)
Pensum – English Modules Noborders (2 semesters)

First Semester weekdays 

  1. English Transition I  

 – I’m a new student (greetings, farewells, introducing yourself, others, exchanging personal information, class commands) 

– How’s your day (describing work, school, jobs, time expressions, daily routines) 

  1. English Transition II

– What is this? (naming objects, asking and giving locations of objects) 

–  How much is it? (talking about prices, clothes, buying and selling, making comparisons) 

  1. Beginners Grammar

– Beginners grammar (pronouns, to be, present simple and continuous, undefined articles, question words)

– Knowing about your family (talking about family and family members, describing family life) 

–  I like Rock (likes and dislikes, music genres, giving opinions, making invitations) 

  1. Beginners Reading

She hardly ever exercises (asking about routines and exercises, frequency, talking about sports and abilities) 

– People had a good time (past events, past experiences, talking about vacation) 

  1. Beginners Listening and Conversation

In the neighborhood (describing locations of places, neighborhoods, quantifiers) 

– Listening and conversation activities on the internet for beginners level A1 

– You are very tall (describing people appearance, identifying people, correct order of adjectives) 


Second Semester weekdays 

  1. Intermediate English Skills

Have you ever been in New Orleans? (describing past experiences, exchanging information, present perfect) 

– What are you doing tonight? (making plans, accepting and refusing invitations, talking and leaving messages)

  1. English Practice I

– Are you ready to order? (Expressing like and dislikes, modal verbs would and will to order food)

– At a restaurant (immersion) (restaurant vocabulary, menus, asking for a table, interacting in 3 roles, host(ess), waiter(tress), customers)


  1. English Practice II

– This is for… (describing technology, giving instructions and suggestions, infinitives and gerunds)

– It’s a fairly big city (describing cities, talking about travel and tourism, conjunctions, can and should)

– At an airport (immersion) (making an airline ticket, check in, security, boarding, customs, interacting 3 roles, ticket agent, passenger, immigration custom)

  1. Intermediate Reading 

Transportation Services (talking about transportation and problems with it, city services) 

At a hotel (immersion) (making a hotel reservation, transportation, check in, information, room service, check out, interacting in 3 roles, transportation service, hotel clerk, guest)

– Intermediate Grammar (modal verbs.)

– Reading an intermediate book (listening and speaking about the book, reading comprehension)

– What does that mean? (Interpreting body language, explaining gestures and meanings, modal and adverbs, permission, obligation and prohibition)

  1. 5. Intermediate Listening and Conversation

– Intermediate Grammar (conditionals, past modal verbs etc.)

– Changing times (Life in past, present and future, changes and contrasts, consequences, time contrasts, conditional sentences, with if clauses)

– Do the right thing (unreal conditional, speculating about past and future events) 


Primer Semestre

  • English transition I  
  • English transition II
  • Beginners grammar l
  • Beginners grammar ll
  • Beginners English skills

Segundo Semestre

  • Beginners listening and conversation
  • Beginners Reading 
  • Beginners listening skills 
  • Intermediate English skills 
  • English Practice I

Tercer Semestre

  • English Practice II
  • Intermediate Reading 
  • Intermediate skills 
  • Intermediate listening and Conversation 
Requisitos de Matrícula
  • Fotocopia del documento de identificación: Cédula de Ciudadanía o Tarjeta de identidad.
  • Fotocopia del título de bachiller – Certificado de estudios de 9no grado.

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